Preparing for Aethernity Cup

Ah, I can't believe Aethernity Cup is this weekend, the biggest Magic tournament in Indonesia and I'm gonna participate on it for the first time, hurray! I don't know what to expect, honestly. Standard is really a wild beast with its cycling metagame. From GW Megamorph to Jeskai Black to Abzan and now Esper Dragons, there is simply no way to tell which deck can come on top of the metagame each week.

I suspect there will be a lot of aggresive decks, Atarka Red is going to be the primary culprit. However, there will also be some fringe aggro deck, such as black-white warriors, mono-red goblins, and ally decks. Standard has become pretty expensive in which every deck requires 10+ Fetch Land or 4 Ugin. It is in my believe that people who happened to own a lot of Fetch Lands will also have many other Standard Staples which will make them stay away from playing glass canon deck like Atarka Red. Jeskai or Abzan will be the popular choice for those people.

So from the most to the least, the archetype I'm expecting in Aethernity Cup will be:

1. Aggresive Decks: Atarka Red - Orzhov Aggro - Mono Red
2 Midrange Decks: Abzan - Jeskai - Mardu
3 Control Decks: Esper - Bring to Light
4 Combo Decks: GR Ramp - Rally

I myself will be playing GR Ramp. Against this kind of meta, I think I will mainboard 4 Jaddi Offshoot and delegate more sideboard to fight aggro and hand disruption.

This is the kind of sideboard that I think I will make:
4x Seismic Rupture
1x Nissa
2x Winds of Qal Sisma
2x Orbs of Warding
1x Ulamog
1x Desolation Twin
1x Void Winnower
1x Gaea's Revenge
2x Rending Volley

Seismic Rupture, Nissa, and Qal Sisma will be boarded in against every aggro deck. Orbs of Warding, Ulamog, Deso Twin, and Winnower will be boarded in against every midrange deck. Gaea's Revenge is solely for control matchup. Rending Volley is for Mantis Rider but it can also hit Ojutai. I'm going to ignore the Combo matchup completely. If all goes well, then Ulamog can just eat everything all the way to Top 8. Hopefully.


  1. i agree that a playset of jaddi offshoot is obligatory for your deck to stop aggro
    what lack for this deck is main and side deck for control matchup
    nissa is the only one that could handle it
    what would you do if they cast ojutai or silumgar?


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