Dragons of Tarkir Prerelease in Two Stompas
Dragons of Tarkir midnight pre-release was yesterday and I, without doubt, was participating in it. The number of participant in Two Stompas was unusually low, thanks to the storm that engulfed Jakarta last night. We suspected that Dragonlord Kolaghan's wrath was the reason, so many of us chose to side with Kolaghan clan to calm the Dragonlord.
Me, I chose to side with Ojutai because if you read my Magic posts, you'll know that I've been force picking blue card to draft. No kidding, just look at these blue card collection I got from my draft:
I know I'm risking myself being bolted by Dragonlord Kolaghan's lightning, but it's a risk worth taking. So anyway, I received my Ojutai's seeded pack and I opened a foil of Myth Realized, Narset Planeswalker, and Ojutai's Command. Unfortunately, Myth Realized and Narset are only good financially but bad at limited. Both Myth Realized and Narset relied on an abundance of noncreature spell while we know that creature spell are always dominating the limited game of Magic.
Regardless, I still open some of the best limited card. Belltoll Dragon is a 3/3 flyer for 3 mana that can be upgraded into a 4/4 with 10 mana. Probably not the most exciting card, but with Hexproof, the dragon will become an unstoppable clock, since there are not many board-sweeper in DTK. The next is Dromoka Captain. It is basically a 2/2 for 3 mana, but with first strike, so you can kill any morph that is blocking you. Moreover, it can turn into a real monster if left unchecked since it will grow bigger and bigger every turn. My plan was to kill the enemy with those cards, while protecting them with counters and removals.
The first match is against Mark who was siding with Kolaghan. Well, I guess I will get my punishment, but I try to fight as best as I could. It's really hard since Kolaghan's clan are really aggresive, that they put me into 4 life before I can even get started. But with counters and removals, I managed to stabilize the board. Ojutai's command also help a lot by giving me 4 life and countering his creatures. Mark started to be troubled when I buybacked the Ojutai's Command with Monastery Loremaster. However, I made a mistake by choosing to draw a card, instead of gaining 4 life. Next turn, he managed to steal the game by using Kolaghan's Forerunner's trample. As expected, I got punished by Kolaghan's lightning.
Going to game 2, I sided 2 Twin Bolt to deal with his early creature and Resupply to strengthen my philosophy of fire. Luckily, he can't be aggresive this time because I managed to cast Territorial Roc (who used to be the mighty Wingmate Roc, thanks to Sarkhan and his Dragon fetish) to defend my board. With help of my removal spell, I managed to get into the late game, flipping the Belltoll Dragon, and killing him solely with the hexproof dragon.
Game 3, things are getting tense since we were close to getting time out'd. Mark was aggroing me and I was defending as usual. The worst thing that could happen was that he casted Thunderbreak Regent without being countered, taking my life to the red zone. Somehow, I managed to endure and stabilize the board, then casted the Pristine Skywise to swing his life into the red zone as well. We were locked into a stalemate, neither Mark's Thunderbreak Regent nor my Prisine Skywise were committed to attack. I was desperately looking for a noncreature spell, with Zephyr Scribe's ability, to trigger Pristine Skywise' protection to attack for game, but only managed to draw lands. Then the time out call came and we were supposed to draw, but Mark chose to give the win to me, complimenting my effort. Wow, what a great guy.
Second match was against Nuris who was an Atarka, but he used a R/W combination instead of R/G. The reason was Sunscorh Regent. That dragon is a beast, that can only be answered with premium removals, or it will flatten you with his unlimited +1/+1 counters. Luckily, I managed to draw Pacifism to answer the Regent, hoping he didn't have Fate Forgotten or Abzan Advantage, and he really didn't. Belltoll Dragon took the game 1 down for me again. That hexproof dragon is really a bonker in limited.
Going to the second game, I sided Encase in Ice and Ojutai's Breath to deal with his big dumb creatures. I can't really remember how the match goes, but I remember getting manascrewed and beated down by Sabretooth Outrider. I lost the game just like that.
The third game is when I did a stupid thing. Both of us get manascrewed but he managed to drop his fatty first and I chose not to cast the Encase in Ice to his Sabretooth Outrider during his end turn. That decision costed me the match since it ruins my manacurve, forcing me to cast Encase in Ice and leaving one mana unused, dropping me to red zone faster, and bringing me to a situation where I can't attack eventhough I have a Belltoll Dragon who can attack twice and win the game. Then came the gamebreaker in form of Atarka Pummeler. I remember casting pacifism on him without reading his ability. Turned out that his formidable ability is a bonker, making all of his creatures unblockable except if blocked by 2 or more creatures. That thing steals the game and I lost the match.
Then I fight Arif in the Third match who was with the Dromoka, who he thought was the most harmonious clan, although I criticized their decision to execute Anafenza. So we fight and boy I was the one being controlled. He started by playing a super aggresive threat in the form of Arashin Foremost and answer all of my defenders with Epic Confrontation. I can't stabilize the board and Arashin Foremost trampled me down. Lost game 1.
Going to the game 2, I started the aggresion first with my morphs but then he casted a 3/3 Glade Watcher to shut down my morphs aggresion. Then the game turned to his favor when he casted a 4/4 uncommon dragon from Fate Reforged, activated Glade Watcher's formidable and dropped me to the red zone. I was in a grim position until I casted Pristine Skywise, unmorphed the Belltoll Dragon and steal the game with 11 damage from my Dragons. Phew, that was one tense match.
In game 3, the situation in game 1 happened again but he was the one being fully controlled. If I recalled, I managed to two for one'd him twice. First is when he was going to cast Shape the Sands to block my Misthoof Kirin which I responded by casting Twin Bolt to his morph. Second time is when I was attacking with Kirin and a creature which he responded by using his morph to block my morph and casting Enduring Victory to kill my Kirin which I responded by casting Glint to the Kirin. After losing that many advantages, he just can't fight back and losing to my aggresion.
Game 4, I was against Aceng, a fellow Ojutai, who was well known as a U/W master, so I felt a little intimidated. While my U/W deck was more like a tempo deck, since I had a lot of aggresive creatures, his deck is more controlling with a lot of draw-go move, a lot of counters and removals, and only small winning condition in the form of Silumgar Monument and Dragonlord Ojutai himself. However, I got an edge when he misplayed by casting Reach of Shadows to my field full of morphs. I assume as a U/W master, he didn't know that Reach of Shadow only targetting colored creatures, so he was forced to destroy the not-so-threatening Territorial Roc. Afterwards, I continued the aggresion by megamorphing Aven Sunstriker, dropping him to 7 life. Then he casted the Dragonlord Ojutai and as an Ojutai I was awed by the Great Teacher's presence. But then I remembered that it was only a game so I continued to attack with my creatures. The Dragonlord blocked Sunstriker and I megamorphed Misthoof Kirin to deal a precise total of 7 damage, winning me game 1.
In the game 2, I was perfectly controlled, by his counters and removals, and also by a fear of Dragonlord Ojutai, since I have no card that can deal with him once he hits the board. So I keep my Ojutai's Command and I think he knew since he keeps on playing noncreature spells, such as Silumgar Monument and Ojutai Summons. I tried to keep up, but I kept getting countered, so the monument and the Djinn Token killed me, losing me game 2.
For some reason, I can't remember what happened in game 3. I only remember that I realized I can't win a control game with him so I played a bit more aggresive, using Ojutai Summons and all of my creatures without fear, casting Resupply to gain more life and advantage, and then he tried to defend with Silumgar Monument which I responded by casting Fate Forgotten to the monument, and he lost. Wow, I was so satisfied after beating the U/W master in a U/W mirror.
The midnight prerelease last night was a lot of fun since I was doing well (I got 3 booster from my 3 wins, yeay free draft!). I learned from my mistake in Fate Reforged midnight prerelease, that I shouldn't be too tired before the pre-release. I was sleeping from 10pm to 12am last night and I felt so fresh to play the sealed tournament. On top of that, I opened Narset in my seeded pack, which is supposed to be the most expensive card in DTK. I can't wait to auction her after the release next week. But more importantly, I can't wait to start drafting Dragons of Tarkir in the next FNM, I believe it's going to be fun playing with all of this dragons.
Me, I chose to side with Ojutai because if you read my Magic posts, you'll know that I've been force picking blue card to draft. No kidding, just look at these blue card collection I got from my draft:
I know I'm risking myself being bolted by Dragonlord Kolaghan's lightning, but it's a risk worth taking. So anyway, I received my Ojutai's seeded pack and I opened a foil of Myth Realized, Narset Planeswalker, and Ojutai's Command. Unfortunately, Myth Realized and Narset are only good financially but bad at limited. Both Myth Realized and Narset relied on an abundance of noncreature spell while we know that creature spell are always dominating the limited game of Magic.
Regardless, I still open some of the best limited card. Belltoll Dragon is a 3/3 flyer for 3 mana that can be upgraded into a 4/4 with 10 mana. Probably not the most exciting card, but with Hexproof, the dragon will become an unstoppable clock, since there are not many board-sweeper in DTK. The next is Dromoka Captain. It is basically a 2/2 for 3 mana, but with first strike, so you can kill any morph that is blocking you. Moreover, it can turn into a real monster if left unchecked since it will grow bigger and bigger every turn. My plan was to kill the enemy with those cards, while protecting them with counters and removals.
The first match is against Mark who was siding with Kolaghan. Well, I guess I will get my punishment, but I try to fight as best as I could. It's really hard since Kolaghan's clan are really aggresive, that they put me into 4 life before I can even get started. But with counters and removals, I managed to stabilize the board. Ojutai's command also help a lot by giving me 4 life and countering his creatures. Mark started to be troubled when I buybacked the Ojutai's Command with Monastery Loremaster. However, I made a mistake by choosing to draw a card, instead of gaining 4 life. Next turn, he managed to steal the game by using Kolaghan's Forerunner's trample. As expected, I got punished by Kolaghan's lightning.
Going to game 2, I sided 2 Twin Bolt to deal with his early creature and Resupply to strengthen my philosophy of fire. Luckily, he can't be aggresive this time because I managed to cast Territorial Roc (who used to be the mighty Wingmate Roc, thanks to Sarkhan and his Dragon fetish) to defend my board. With help of my removal spell, I managed to get into the late game, flipping the Belltoll Dragon, and killing him solely with the hexproof dragon.
Game 3, things are getting tense since we were close to getting time out'd. Mark was aggroing me and I was defending as usual. The worst thing that could happen was that he casted Thunderbreak Regent without being countered, taking my life to the red zone. Somehow, I managed to endure and stabilize the board, then casted the Pristine Skywise to swing his life into the red zone as well. We were locked into a stalemate, neither Mark's Thunderbreak Regent nor my Prisine Skywise were committed to attack. I was desperately looking for a noncreature spell, with Zephyr Scribe's ability, to trigger Pristine Skywise' protection to attack for game, but only managed to draw lands. Then the time out call came and we were supposed to draw, but Mark chose to give the win to me, complimenting my effort. Wow, what a great guy.
Second match was against Nuris who was an Atarka, but he used a R/W combination instead of R/G. The reason was Sunscorh Regent. That dragon is a beast, that can only be answered with premium removals, or it will flatten you with his unlimited +1/+1 counters. Luckily, I managed to draw Pacifism to answer the Regent, hoping he didn't have Fate Forgotten or Abzan Advantage, and he really didn't. Belltoll Dragon took the game 1 down for me again. That hexproof dragon is really a bonker in limited.
Going to the second game, I sided Encase in Ice and Ojutai's Breath to deal with his big dumb creatures. I can't really remember how the match goes, but I remember getting manascrewed and beated down by Sabretooth Outrider. I lost the game just like that.
The third game is when I did a stupid thing. Both of us get manascrewed but he managed to drop his fatty first and I chose not to cast the Encase in Ice to his Sabretooth Outrider during his end turn. That decision costed me the match since it ruins my manacurve, forcing me to cast Encase in Ice and leaving one mana unused, dropping me to red zone faster, and bringing me to a situation where I can't attack eventhough I have a Belltoll Dragon who can attack twice and win the game. Then came the gamebreaker in form of Atarka Pummeler. I remember casting pacifism on him without reading his ability. Turned out that his formidable ability is a bonker, making all of his creatures unblockable except if blocked by 2 or more creatures. That thing steals the game and I lost the match.
Then I fight Arif in the Third match who was with the Dromoka, who he thought was the most harmonious clan, although I criticized their decision to execute Anafenza. So we fight and boy I was the one being controlled. He started by playing a super aggresive threat in the form of Arashin Foremost and answer all of my defenders with Epic Confrontation. I can't stabilize the board and Arashin Foremost trampled me down. Lost game 1.
Going to the game 2, I started the aggresion first with my morphs but then he casted a 3/3 Glade Watcher to shut down my morphs aggresion. Then the game turned to his favor when he casted a 4/4 uncommon dragon from Fate Reforged, activated Glade Watcher's formidable and dropped me to the red zone. I was in a grim position until I casted Pristine Skywise, unmorphed the Belltoll Dragon and steal the game with 11 damage from my Dragons. Phew, that was one tense match.
In game 3, the situation in game 1 happened again but he was the one being fully controlled. If I recalled, I managed to two for one'd him twice. First is when he was going to cast Shape the Sands to block my Misthoof Kirin which I responded by casting Twin Bolt to his morph. Second time is when I was attacking with Kirin and a creature which he responded by using his morph to block my morph and casting Enduring Victory to kill my Kirin which I responded by casting Glint to the Kirin. After losing that many advantages, he just can't fight back and losing to my aggresion.
Game 4, I was against Aceng, a fellow Ojutai, who was well known as a U/W master, so I felt a little intimidated. While my U/W deck was more like a tempo deck, since I had a lot of aggresive creatures, his deck is more controlling with a lot of draw-go move, a lot of counters and removals, and only small winning condition in the form of Silumgar Monument and Dragonlord Ojutai himself. However, I got an edge when he misplayed by casting Reach of Shadows to my field full of morphs. I assume as a U/W master, he didn't know that Reach of Shadow only targetting colored creatures, so he was forced to destroy the not-so-threatening Territorial Roc. Afterwards, I continued the aggresion by megamorphing Aven Sunstriker, dropping him to 7 life. Then he casted the Dragonlord Ojutai and as an Ojutai I was awed by the Great Teacher's presence. But then I remembered that it was only a game so I continued to attack with my creatures. The Dragonlord blocked Sunstriker and I megamorphed Misthoof Kirin to deal a precise total of 7 damage, winning me game 1.
In the game 2, I was perfectly controlled, by his counters and removals, and also by a fear of Dragonlord Ojutai, since I have no card that can deal with him once he hits the board. So I keep my Ojutai's Command and I think he knew since he keeps on playing noncreature spells, such as Silumgar Monument and Ojutai Summons. I tried to keep up, but I kept getting countered, so the monument and the Djinn Token killed me, losing me game 2.
For some reason, I can't remember what happened in game 3. I only remember that I realized I can't win a control game with him so I played a bit more aggresive, using Ojutai Summons and all of my creatures without fear, casting Resupply to gain more life and advantage, and then he tried to defend with Silumgar Monument which I responded by casting Fate Forgotten to the monument, and he lost. Wow, I was so satisfied after beating the U/W master in a U/W mirror.
The midnight prerelease last night was a lot of fun since I was doing well (I got 3 booster from my 3 wins, yeay free draft!). I learned from my mistake in Fate Reforged midnight prerelease, that I shouldn't be too tired before the pre-release. I was sleeping from 10pm to 12am last night and I felt so fresh to play the sealed tournament. On top of that, I opened Narset in my seeded pack, which is supposed to be the most expensive card in DTK. I can't wait to auction her after the release next week. But more importantly, I can't wait to start drafting Dragons of Tarkir in the next FNM, I believe it's going to be fun playing with all of this dragons.
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DTK Prerelease loot :D |
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