WMCQ Reflection

I was just playing in two WMCQ held in Bandung and Jakarta and I have to say that it was an incredible experience. Attending tournament held in a very decent and reachable place, meeting with so many friendly Magic enthusiasts, and playing Magic in a big tournament. What a great time. Most importantly, I really like how Magic tournament give 50 minutes each round with 5 extra round in case of timeout. In 8 rounds I played in Bandung and 7 rounds I played in Jakarta, I never ever lost because of running out of time. It feels great, compared to Yugioh tournament where I can probably lost 3 round because of my opponent playing really really slow since each round has only 30-40 minutes.

Although I said a lot about how great Magic tournament is, I can't really say a lot with my result. In WMCQ Bandung, I get 3-3 record before dropping the next 2 rounds. While in WMCQ Jakarta, I when 1-3 and dropping from the next 3 rounds. Playing Magic in a big tournament is completely different from playing in local game store. There are so much good player with good deck that I can't counter. Like for example, I lost my first round in WMCQ Bandung against a Mono Black Aggro that I never even expected. With so many decks to play against, there is no better way to increase your win percentage except by learning your own deck inside and out and play it to its maximum potential each round. Something I haven't done quite well for now.

One more thing, Modern is really really intimidating as a format. The range of decks you have to prepare against is so enormous that you can't put every sideboard card for every matchup. In WMCQ Jakarta yesterday, I have no sideboard card against two of my matchup which resulted into my lost. Learning your own deck inside and out becomes more prevalent when we are talking about Modern and I'm probably making a mistake by borrowing a deck I have no experience playing at all.

3-3 and 1-3 is a catastrophic result but it should net let me down. For everyone in their life will have their downturn but only a loser will stay down forever. Winners will rise immediately and find its way to the top. That's the kind of mentality I'm trying to build by playing Magic and that's why I'll not stop attending Magic tournament. If possible, I want to attend WMCQ Surabaya and also Aethernity Cup. In the future, when I already have a stable financial condition, I also want to attend some GPs abroad.

I believe that there is more to Magic than just competitive game. I believe that Magic can improve myself a lot and that's why I'll not stop playing.


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