Some Rant about Qliphort
I'm currently trying to make a new build for Qliphort. Current Qliphort build is pretty much like Geargia in the ol' day. Little number of monster, A lot of defensive cards, and a slow play directed to fuel an OTK. I believe Qliphort can become more than just a bigger Geargia who can mained a floodgate, I believe Qliphort deck can become the best deck in Yugioh metagame. The question is how?
The answer actually lies in Apoqliphort Towers, a card people tend to overlook because it falls into the 'win more' category. Indeed summoning Towers in mid to late game is overkill and slow, since you can just win by resolving Disk, but summoning Towers in early game, especially in first turn, is so devastating. Therefore, the key to make Qliphort the best deck is to find a way to consistently summon Towers in first turn.
I have had some theory and I will apply it in the YOC #3. Hope it went well :)
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