Pre-Release Fate Reforged: What a Night

Tiny Leader, continued with Fate Reforged Pre-Release, and then Booster Draft with 10 people. Good lord, what the f**k was I thinking in last Friday night.

So the story is like this. I went to Two Stompas as usual to play some FNM tournament and also attending pre-release event which was held at midnight. I borrowed Mas Malik's Blue Devotion deck with Thassa as its Tiny Leader and went 2-0 to reach final. Unfortunately, the midnight clock has rang and the pre-release event must be started so the FNM event got cancelled.

I went to the counter to picked my seeded pack and get confused to choose which pack I want to take. In the end, I took the big ol' Temur, hoping to be able to make a big creature deck like I used to. But I got distracted and end up with Mardu deck instead. At this point, I don't know what was I thinking.

So I went with my half-ass Mardu deck, got crushed by Marang River Prowler in first match, got crushed by Ojutai in second match, and got crushed again by Shamanic Revelation in fourth match. My only win comes from Jeskai match in third match.

So I got one FRF booster as a prize when suddenly someone said let's Draft! Well, how can I resist? The requirement is only 1 FRF booster, which I already have, and 2 KTK booster. So I do the draft and God I draft shit.

How can a person in his right mind draft 4 Taigam's Scheming and put three of them in the main deck? I must be out of my mind. No wonder I got crushed again and again and only winning 1 of 4 match.

When it's all over, the chicken has started to sing cockadoodledoo and my body is already worn out. I got some Fried Rice with Didit, Wildan, and Mas Malik, and drive home in a completely worn out body.

I lost count on how many times my car swerve to the left by itself because I can't force my eyes to open. By some miracle, I manage to reach my room and drop dead to the bed. When I woke up, it was already midnight again.

What a f**ked up night but also what a fun night. It has been long since I give full time to my self-satisfaction and it was worthed.


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