NATS Report and Update for Tower Turbo

I was having a rough time in NATS last week. I was playing Qliphort with Tower Turbo build that I used to top 32 in SH7 but with the inclusion of a Wicked Avatar and Light and Darkness Dragon but the deck didn't work as I wanted to. While it's true that LADD and Avatar brings more power to the deck to fight with Nekroz and Shaddoll, it also weakens the deck by adding more inconsistency to it. 

I have a match where I summoned LADD or Avatar and run away with the game, but I also have a match where I draw 3 LADD and 1 Avatar (and no it's not because of stacking because I was playing with my own mentor and I can trust him). Moreover, you can't play Saqlifice when LADD and Avatar is around because you can't treat the Saqlifice equipped Qliphort as 2 tribute for them. Losing the best Equip Spell ever printed is a big loss, really big.

I think LADD needs to be cut, but I'm really not sure about The Wicked Avatar. The card is just crazy powerful and every time I summoned it and resolve its effect I will be guaranteed win, no questions asked. In conclusion, its another power vs consistency debate and I can see both sides have stronger position depends on the meta.

While my poor deck contributes to me having a rough time, I believe my poor play still contributes the most. I had lost 2 games that otherwise winnable if only I can take my time and think of all the possible play. The first game was against Shaddoll where my opponent was left with 1300 LP, 2 face-down S/T, and a Shekinaga face-up on defense position.

My field was full but I have no card that can go through Shekinaga's big butt. I have a Storm in my hand and I just passed like that. Next turn, opponent played Shaddol Fusion sending material from his deck and crushed my board. After losing, I thought that I should used the Storm to get rid of his face-downs and XYZ summon 2 Gagaga Cowboy to win the game.

The second game was against Burning Abyss where I was backed against the wall because of his first turn 2 Dante but I managed to comeback by summoning Apoqliphort Towers. My opponent then was forced to summon Nightmare Shark and drop my life to 1500, leaving him with only defense position Dante and a Shark as defense. I have Carrier in extra deck so I pendulum summon it and add Qliphort Stealth with Scout, to bounce both his Dante and Shark.

To my surprise, there is a Cir overlayed by Dante to give him more defense and makes me failed to OTK. On the next turn, my opponent just casually summon Tour Guide to take a direct attack with his Nightmare Shark that I bounced before. If only I think before act, I would realize that he has Cir under his Dante and go with another route. I can summon Shell and dealing piercing damage that can deal him lethal and I should never bounce his Nightmare Shark.

So I finished with 3-3 records and matchups like this:

2-0 vs Harpie
2-0 vs Fire Fist
1-2 vs Shaddoll
2-0 vs Infernoid
1-2 vs Shaddoll
1-2 vs Burning Abyss

Usually a poor deck can still win a tournament if it was accompanied by a great play and a great luck. But a poor deck combined with poor play is a recipe for disaster and I got punished because of it.

But on the bright side, Arman made it to Top 16 with a similar Qliphort build, minus LADD and Avatar. He strived for consistency and got rewarded by it. He even made it to the 6th rank of the Swiss portion, winning 10 out of 12 match! Only losing against a Racoon deck that plays 1st Turn Naturia Beast and against a Nekroz deck that won the entire tournament itself. That makes me relieved because it proves that this Qliphort build is actually able to be a real thing.

Furthermore, there is more good news coming from OCG land. As reported by Spirit of Duelist - Indonesia, a player from Depok has won a local using a Qliphort deck with these 2 new techs from CORE:

Chicken Race

(Field Spell Card)

The player with less LP takes no damage. Once per turn, during either player's Main Phase: The turn player can pay 1000 LP, then activate 1 of these effects;
Draw 1 card.
Destroy this card.
● Your opponent gains 1000 LP.
Cards and effects cannot be activated in response to this effect's activation.

Ferret Firestorm

(Normal Trap Card)

If the total ATK of all monsters your opponent controls is higher than your LP: Your opponent shuffles face-up monsters they control into theDeck so that the total ATK of all face-up monsters they control is less than or equal to your LP.

Ferret Firestorm could be a nice staple for standard Qliphort build since it helps them in attrition war and protect them from lethal damage, but Chicken Race is the most exciting card for Tower Turbo build. I read his first effect and I immediately yelled, "Hurray, it's another cantrip!" Indeed, with Chicken Race, you can play it and draw a card for 1000 LP. It's almost the reverse of Upstart Goblin. While it's true that your opponent can also draw a card from it, but you can also draw a card again in your next turn to get even in card advantage. 

But what is more exciting about Chicken Race is that the card is actually a Field Spell which means you can use Terraforming to tutor it. That means you can actually have a deck with 3 Upstart Goblin, 3 Into the Void, 3 Chicken Race, 3 Terraforming, and 1 One Day of Peace. That's 13 Cantrips to leave you with 27-card deck. That's crazy. With that in mind, I immediately thought of building a Tower Turbo deck like this:

Core Deck (25)
2x Scout
3x Monolith
3x Carrier
3x Helix
3x Disk
3x Chephalopod
3x Shell
3x Stealth
1x Towers
1x Saqlifice

Cantrips + Tutors (15)
3x Summoner's Art
3x Upstart Goblin
3x Into the Void
1x One Day of Peace
3x Chicken Race
2x Terraforming

Man, making a deck was never that simple. As you can see, the core deck is only 25 and the cantrips are 15. I also managed to cut Trampolynx. I never really like the card because it often bricked in your hand by not being able to be pendulum summoned and drawing 2 cats without Scout is a disaster, I never want to think about it. Now with Chicken Race and Terraforming, I can cut those 2 Cats and have a good time drawing the combo pieces. I don't know how much better the percentage is, but I imagine it will be much better. 


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